Why Do I Need A Divorce Attorney Who Knows Criminal Law If I Am Accused of Domestic Violence in my Divorce?
Divorce is a difficult time of heightened emotions and conflict. Domestic violence allegations have the power to seriously disadvantage the subject of the allegations and they will almost certainly disrupt a parent’s relationship with their child. They may also have more serious consequences for an individual if these become criminal charges by affecting the ability to obtain or maintain employment.
At a hearing for someone who is facing an extended restraining order, expert legal representation is essential. It’s better if the person advising you during any domestic violence proceedings understands issues surrounding family law and divorce.
If someone is charged with a charge of domestic assault or domestic assault and battery during a divorce, it is important to retain a lawyer that not only practices criminal law, but understands how the criminal charges may impact the divorce; and conversely, how the divorce may affect the criminal charges.
Please contact our team to learn more at 978-871-2928.