Family & Divorce Law

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Mediation is the modern and cost-effective way to divorce without long and exhausting court involvement.

Mediation is the modern and cost-effective way to divorce without long and exhausting court involvement. Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution, where both parties agree to hire a neutral person, the mediator, to assist them with negotiating their separation agreement. It is a process that is endorsed by the court and can be used to craft the entire agreement or iron out one or more difficult issues.

How can I begin the process?

Contact Fleischer Law Solutions. After an initial phone screening, we will discuss whether your case is suitable for meditation and whether it can be conducted flat fee or hourly.

Where does the mediation take place?

Traditionally, each party would meet at the offices of Fleischer Law Solutions for in-person meetings or Fleischer Law Solutions is now offering on-line remote mediation for the convenience of clients.

What are the benefits to mediation?

Mediation is an excellent solution to spiraling legal fees. At Fleischer Law Solutions, we are able to provide flat fee mediation packages as well as traditional hourly rates, all depending on the specific facts and needs of the parties.

A mediated divorce allows YOU to control the outcome of your divorce, not the state, which is really what a judge represents.   A mediator is able to act as a buffer between the parties to reign in the anger and fighting that can fuel continued court dates and pleadings.  

Mediation is an excellent way to keep your children out of litigation as well as providing suggestions for parenting and support plans.

When is the best time to start the mediation process?

Any time.  A mediator can be hired at the beginning of the process to assist in drafting the separation agreement to be filed with the court for an uncontested divorce.   During the litigation process, a mediator can be helpful with moving the process along and resolving any issues that are stalling the process. Mediation can also be helpful towards the end of the divorce where the parties are willing to try to work together in one last effort to avoid a costly and stressful trial.

Can I change my mind if I don’t like the agreement?

Absolutely.  Your separation agreement is binding once it is signed by both parties in front of a notary public and presented to the court and approved by the Judge.  You should never agree to any term unless you do so freely, with understanding and without pressure.

Make sure you are prepared, and your rights are protected before signing any agreement by having it reviewed by an attorney.

Why hire Fleischer Law Solutions mediation?

Attorney Robin Fleischer and co-mediator, Barry Fleischer, are both trained mediators.  They have received certificates and satisfy the Supreme Judicial Court Rule 1:18, on the rules for Alternate Dispute Resolution.   Fleischer Law Solutions Mediation brings a unique perspective to the traditional, one mediator model by employing the co-mediation model.  Co-mediators work as a team, which allows each mediator to draw off each other’s strengths to better facilitate discussions between the parties so they can arrive at a mutually beneficial agreement.  

Please contact our team to learn more at 978-871-2928.